
Sunday, June 30, 2019

How to learn several languages at the same time

Yes... most people will tell you not to do this. I say, why not.

I am not a good example of this, because I am a seasonal animal. I will study languages 24/7 for three weeks or less, and then I'm off to doing something else 24/7.
But there are people who are good examples of this. Like Tim Doner. A lot of language learners dive in languages when they are presented with a chance to learn it, totally inspite of whether they are currently studying something else, or how advanced or secure they are about that subject. Also, quite a many of us have been through normal schooling, and those who have studied several foreign languages, have studied them at the same time, and some of them they started studying at the same time.
I have never noticed there being any interference from one language to another when one starts studying several languages at the same time, simply because these are different languages. Might be that I am somehow specially talented to be able to keep the languages separate, might be that I do something differently, but... the words SOUND like the language they belong to. Just think about a man. An Englishman. Now think of his name. I'm pretty sure it's not Juan Carlos or Sven.
In Spanish this: 🐕 is /ˈpero/, in French /ʃjɛ̃/ in Portuguese /ˈkɐ̃w̃/, in Romanian/ˈkɨ and in Italian/ˈ Now, let's say you are learning all the Romance languages at the same time and you need to say this: "the dog is eating meat", in Spanish. "El --- come carne". Which word will you put there? Just try all of them. El /ʃjɛ̃/ come carne? Doesn't sound good. /ʃjɛ̃/ doesn't sound at all Spanish. Neither does any of the others. And, of course you could try to say a foreign word in correct accent and hope it works - but a) you KNOW it's not the right word and b) the receiver will probably be able to figure out what you mean, and if they are nice, they will give you the correct word, or they don't understand what you mean, and ask, and then you have to somehow convey the meaning of the word without using the right word, because you don't know it.

It is language, not chemistry. :-D You won't blow up the world or poison someone because you use the wrong word, wrong grammatical formulation, wrong case, wrong tempus, you can't spell or your accent is so thick it could kill a cow. Come on, people.

So - it is possible for you to learn a language adequately well in a week. It takes just an hour to learn 100 words by heart, and even shorter time, if those words are in sentences. Most people use 3000 words in their everyday lives. (It doesn't matter which language one speaks, it's about 3000 words.) So you can get the average native speaker's vocabulary in 30 hours. Two 15 hours' days. Then you just use the rest of the week creating sentences with these words.
(It has been calculated that it takes about 500 hours of study to learn a language. So if you study 10 hours a day, it takes you a couple of months to learn a language, and so on and so forth. If you study 20 minutes a day, it takes you about 4 years to learn a language.
Most people don't learn a language in a week.
Most people don't. Most people spend just a limited amount of time to learn languages and have quite reasonable goals. Like "I'll reach level B1 this year". If your speed of learning is that slow, it's about an hour of learning a day. And then you can easily do several languages a day, and reach B level in them all the same time.

Now, it's best to do this if you can use ready-made courses, like books or Duolingo or so. And then just do what is asked of you. Read the text. Answer the questions. Do the exercises.

If you want to learn faster and better, do other things.

Write something every day, read something every day, speak something, listen something.
There are several options for you to get your pronunciation and writing corrected, if you wish to, but just talking to yourself is fine. Just writing to yourself, writing without no-one ever knowing what you write, is good.
Listen to radio, music, movies and tv shows.
Read newspapers, magazines, comics, books, internet articles. Wikipedia has a lot of articles. 

But - the only thing that matters here is how much work you put into studying a language, and that you do something every day. It's better you put in 20 minutes every day for a year (about 130 hours), than to put in 15 hours a day for two weeks.
But - if you put 20 minutes in 20 languages every day for a year, you will learn 20 languages, no doubt about that.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

wordlist from installment :-D

bir - one, a, an

bu - this

da, de - as well, too, also

ve - and

için -     1) for, as as to, in order to, since, because...
    2) it's inside
    3) y'all drink

ben - I bana - me
sen - you sana - to you, for you
o - he, she, it

ne - what

nasıl - how

sonra - later, after, otherwise

mi - question particle (a bit like -ko, -kö)

gibi - alike

ki - that

kadar - quantity, extent, how much

daha - comparative, more

yemek - he, she, it eats, consumes, drains

var, vardı - there is, there was,

yok, yoktu - there isn't, there wasn't
çok - much, many, a lot

her - every, each

yıl - year

sanki - as if
sandik - chest
sandığı - chest in accusative case
sandiga - chest in dative case
sandigin - chest in genitive case
sandıkta - the ballot

oldu - olmak - to happen, to become, to ripen, to pass -> 3.s past definite

musun - question word (you put it last in a sentence to make a definite sentence into a question)

küçük, küçüktün - small, small in predicative past tense What the heck is that supposed to be?! Is it one of these "existing in a state of being small" kind of verbs?

hepsi, hepsini- all, all in accusative

eski - old (for objects)

bazı - some
bazen - every now and then
bazilari - some people

bakmak - to look
bak - imperative 1.s. (look!)
bakalım - subjunctive (had we looked)
baktım - past definite 1.s (I looked)
son baktığımda - last time I checked

anlamak - to understand
anladım - I understood
anlamadım - I didn't understand
anlaşılabilir - understandable
anlaşilmayan - not understood

anne - mother
annem - my mother, anneme - dative annemin - genitive
annemle - with my mother
annesinin - his mother's

bilmek - to know
bileyim - subjunctive, 1.s.
biliyorum, biliyor - present 1.s. and 3.s.
bilmiyor - present 3s negative
bilmece - riddle, puzzle

Oh dear... this is taking forever! I do learn, but...
bıraktırmak - to leave
bulmak - to find

bu, bunu - this -> bunlar - these, burada - tässä and so on



Greek frequency

με - with, by, on
και, κι  - and
να - subjunctive mood suffix
μαμα, μανα - mother
ἐγώ, μου - I, me
τις, τι - something
δε, δεν - not
για - for, by, about
γιατι - για+τι - what for, why
πως - in any way, at all
είναι - he/she is
ήταν(ε) - he/she was
ἄλλος - other, another, different else
αλλου -
αλλον -
απο - from, at, by

The definite article

The indefinite article
In German the most common words are, of course- personal pronouns
- articles
- to have, to say, to be

in, im
kein, keine
klein, kleinen

and the same thing with Spanish
- articles
- personal pronouns
- to have, to be, to say, to know
- mother


Friday, June 28, 2019

Next installment

Biraz sonra güneşin batışını izleyeceğimiz balkonda oturmuş, annemle kahvelerimizi içiyorduk.
"Bu sene de tatilimiz geçti, gidiyor. Haç Bayramı; büyük bayram bugün."
Bana hayal kırıklığıyla baktı. Anneme göre benim dini inancım yok denecek kadar azdı. Hemen konuyu değiştirdim.
"Her şeyi anladım da niye bunları bana, ille de bugün vermen gerekiyordu, onu anlamadım."
Omuzlarını silkti. Günbatımıyla kiremitlerimize tünemeye gelen güvercinlere baktı. Merdivenlerini kirletiyorlar diye sinirlendi annem onlara.
"İşte yine bu namussuzlar. Başka bir yere de gitmezler ki! Katina Teyze'ni hatırlıyor musun?"
"Tabii ki hatırlıyorum."
"Aa... o öldüğünde sen çok küçüktün de."
"Bu bıraktıklarını ne yapacağımı da söyledi mi sana?"
"Bana 'o biliyor' dedi."
"Biliyor muyum?"
"Neyi biliyorum?"
"Ben nereden bileyim?"
Kahvesinden bir yudum aldıktan sonra devam etti.
"Biliyor musun Mana, bazen sana baktığımda sanki onu karşımda görüyorum. Özellikle de burada, Egina'daki evdeyken."
"Birbirimize benziyor muyuz?"
"A... yok! Gece ile gündüz kadar zıtsınız; o çok çirkindi."
"Çok çirkindi, haklısın."
Başını gururla dikleştirdi.
"Ancak, birbirinden yakışıklı ve zengin beş erkekle evlenmeyi başardı."
"Hadi canım! Bak sen şu işe! Uyanığa bak sen hele; nasıl becermiş? Ben şurada Hristo'yu bile kendime bağlamayı becere-miyorum."
Annem küçük parmağıyla bana sandığı işaret ederken, bir yandan da imalı imalı gülümsüyordu.
Akşam tekrar defterlere göz attım. Eminim, bir büyücünün sırlarıydı bunlar. Şuradakini nasıl oldu da daha önce görmedim? Bu ne acaba? Notların olduğu küçük bir defter. Takvim gibi. Sonunda anlaşılabilir bir şey çıktı. Kara kalemle yazılıydı. Attar-ti Ana dedi... Attarti Ana buyurdu...
Biraz aşağıda, 28 Mart 1891 yazıyordu.
"Annesinin ismi neydi?"
"Eftalya. Annemin teyzesiydi. İki kardeşin çocukları."
Annem eğer soyağacını anlatmaya başlarsa asla bitiremezdik bu sohbeti.
"Katina'nın çocukları yok muydu?"
"Var. Olga."
"Nasıl oldu da bunları kendi kızına değil de bana bıraktı?"
Annem bana cevap vermek yerine kayınvalidemi arayıp kızımın nasıl olduğunu öğrenip öğrenmediğimi sordu.

—Ay, ya está, otra vez se acaban las vacaciones —dijo mamá en elpequeño balcón, donde estábamos tomando el café juntas. Delante delmar, dentro de nada se vería la puesta de sol—. El Día de la Cruz. Unagran fiesta.
—No será para tanto.
Me miró decepcionada. Para mi madre, mis obligaciones religiosas erande lo más insuficientes, incluso nulas. Cambié de tema.
—Lo puedo entender todo. Pero ¿por qué tenías que dármelo justamente hoy?
Se encogió de hombros. Miró las palomas, que con el crepúsculo veníana buscar abrigo en el tejado.
—Ya vuelven las sinvergüenzas —se alteró. Le dejaban la escalera llenade cagadas—. Ya podrían irse a otro sitio... ¿Te acuerdas de la tía Catina?
—¡Claro que me acuerdo!
—Ah, es que eras muy pequeña cuando murió.
—¿Y qué te dijo que hiciera con eso?
—Me dijo: «Ella ya sabe».
—¿Yo qué voy a saber?—¡Y yo qué sé! —Dio un sorbo de café—. ¿Sabes qué, María? —siguió—.A veces, cuando te miro, es como si la viera a ella. Sobre todo aquí. En lacasa de Egina.
—¿Nos parecemos?
—¡Qué va! Ni de lejos... Ella era fea.
—Es verdad, era feísima.
—Y aun así —se enderezó con orgullo— consiguió casarse con cincohombres, cada uno mejor que el anterior, más guapo, más rico...
—¡Anda! ¡Cuenta, cuenta! ¿Cómo lo consiguió la muy pendona? Si aquí nosotras no nos comemos ni una rosca...
Mamá señaló el baúl con su dedo pequeñito y me miró con una sonrisainsinuadora.
Por la noche volví a abrir los textos. Seguro que son códigos de bruja. ¿Yesto? ¿Cómo no lo he visto antes? ¿Qué es? Una libretita de cuentas conanotaciones. Parece un diario. Aquí hay algo inteligible. Aquella lengua estaba escrita con carboncillo: «La madre Atarti ha dicho... La madre Atartiha ordenado...», y más abajo: «28 de marzo de 1891».
—¿Cómo se llamaba su madre?
—Eftalía. Era la tía de mi madre. Hijas de dos hermanos.
Si empezaba con los parentescos, no acabaríamos nunca.
—¿Catina no tenía hijos?
—Sí, Olga.
—¿Y por qué me dio las escrituras a mí en vez de a su hija?
En vez de contestarme, mamá me preguntó si había llamado a misuegra para ver cómo estaba mi hija.

"Πανε και φετοσ οι διακοπεσ μασ. Τελειωνουν" ειπε η μαμα στο μπαλκονακι, που πιναμε παρεα τον καφε μασ. Μπροστα στη θαλασσα, θα 'βλεπεσ σε λιγο το ηλιοβασιλεμα. "Του Σταυρου σημερα. Μεγαλι γιορτη".
Με κοιταξε με απογοητευση. Για τη μαμα τα θρησκεντικα μου καθηκοντα ηταν ελλιπεστατα εωσ ανυπαρκτα. 'Αλλαξα κουβεντα.
"Ολα τα καταλαβαινω. Αλλα γιατι επρεπε να μου τα δωσεισ ειδικα σημερα;"
Σηκωσε τουσ ωμουσ. Κοιταξε τα περιστερια, που με το σουρουπο ερχονταν για να κουρνιασυν στα κεραμιδια ηασ.
"Να τα παλι τα ατιμα" νευριασε. Τησ λερχναν τισ σκαλεσ με κουτσουλιεσ. "Δεν πανε και πουθενα αλλου... Τη θυμασαι καθολον τη θεια Κατινα;"
"Φυσικα και τη θυμαμαι!"
"Α! Γιατι μσουν μικρη οταν πεθανε".
"Και τι σου 'πε να τα κανω;"
"Μου 'πε. Ξερει αυτη".
"Ξερω τι;"
"Ξερω γω;" Ρουφηξε καφε. "Ξερεισ λοιπον κατι, Μαρια;" συνεχισε. "Καμια φορα, οταν σε βλεπω, λεσ και τι βλετω μπροστα μου. Και ειδικα εδω. Στο σπιτι τησ Αιγινασ".
"Α μπα! Η μερα με τη νυχτα... Αυτη ηταν ασχημη".
"Κακασχημη γταν. Δικιο εχεισ".
"Κι ομωσ" ισιωσε με καμαρι, "καταφερε να παρει πεντε αντρεσ. Τον ενα καλυτερο απο τον αλλον, τον ενα ωραιοτερο απο τον αλλον, τον ενα πλουστιοτερο απο τον αλλονε".
"Ελα! Για πεσ! Πωσ τα καταφερε η πουφιανα κι εμεισ δεν μπορουμε να σταυρωσουμε Χριστο;"
Η μαμα εστριψε το μικρο τησ δαχτυλακι προσ το μπαουλο και με κοιταξε μειδιωντασ με σημασια.
Το βραδυ ξανανιξα τα κειμενα. Σιγουρα ειναι κωδικεσ μαγισσασ. Τουτο δω, πωσ δεν το 'δα πριν; Τι ειναι; 'Ενα τεφτερακι με σημειωσεισ. Σαν ημερολογιο. Να και κατι κατανοητο. Η γλωσσα ηταν γραμμενη με καρβουνομυτη. Η μανα Ατταρτι ειπε... Η μανα Ατταρτι οπισε..., πιο κατω, 28 μαρτιου 1891.
"Πωσ τη λεγανε τη μανα τησ;"
"Ευταλια. 'Ητανε θεια τησ μανασ μου. Δυο αδελφων παιδια".
Αν αρχιζε με τα συγγενολογια, δε θα τελειωναμε ποτε.
"Η Κατινα δεν ειχε παιδια;"
"Ειχε, την 'Ολγα".
"Πωσ και δεν εδωσε τισ γραφεσ στην κορη τησ παρα τισ αφησε δε μενα;"
αντι απαντμσησ, η μαμα με ρψτησε αν τηλεφωνμσα οτην πεφερα μου να δω τι κανει η κορη μου.

"Wie schnell die Ferien zu Ende gegangen sind", meinte meine Mutter, als wir auf dem kleinen Balkon unseren Mokka tranken. Vor uns lag dar Meer, das bald im onnenuntergang aufleuchten würde.
"Heute ist die Kreuzerhöhung Christi, ein hoher Feiertag."
Sie warf mir einen enttuschten Blick zu. In den Augen meiner Mutter kam ich meinen religiösen Pflichten nur unzureichend nach. Besser also, ich wechselte das Thema.
"Alles, was recht ist, aber wieso solltest du mir das alles ausgerechnet heute übergeben?"
Sie zuckte die Achseln und blickte auf die Tauben, die in der Abenddämmerung heranflogen und sich auf das Dach hockten.
"Schon wieder diese Viecher", ärgerte sie sich. Sie bekleckerten ihr die Treppen mit Taubendreck. "Können die nicht woanders hinfliegen... Erinnerst du dich überhaupt an Tante Katina?"
"Natürlich erinnere ich mich!"
"Du warst ja noch sehr klein, al sie starb."
"Und hat sie dir gesagt, was ich damit anfangen soll?"
"Sie hat gesagt: Sie wird schon wisen."
"Ich würde schon wissen?"
"Was würde ich wissen?"
"Ach, keine Ahnung." Sie nahm einen Schluck Mokka. "Weisst du was, Maria?", furh sie fort. "Manchmal, wenn ich dich so anschaue, sehe ich sie richtig vor mir. Und vor allem hier, in ihrem Haus."
"Sehen wir uns ähnlich?"
"Nicht die Spur! Ihr seid so verschieden wie Tag und Nacht... Sie war keine schöne Frau."
"Sie war unansehnlich, das stimmt."
"Aber trotzdem", sagte sie stolz, "hat sie es geschafft, sich fünf Ehemänner zu angeln. Einer besser, schöner und reicher als der andere."
"Komm schon! Wie hat sie das bloss gemacht? Und wir suchen ein Leben lang die Nadel im Heuhaufen!"
Meine Mutter deutete mit dem kleinen Finger auf die Truhe und blickte mich mit einem verschwörischen Lächeln an.
Am Abend schlug ich die Hefte wieder auf. Ganz bestimmt waren das Zauberformeln. Aber das hier, wieso hatte ich das vorhin übersehen? Was war das? Ein Heftchen voll mit Notizen. Wie ein Tagebuch. Wenigstens etwas, das halbwegs verständlich war. Der Text war mit Kohlestift geschieben. Mutter Attarte hat gesagt... Mutter Attarte hat bestimmt..., und weiter unten: 28. März 1891.
"Wie hiess ihre Mutter?"
"Eftalia. Sie war die Tante meiner Mutter, unsere Grosseltern waren Geschwister."
Wenn sie jetzt mit dem Familienstammbaum anfing, fand sie kein Ende mehr.
"Hatte Katina keine Kinder?"
"Doch, Olga."
"Wieso hat sie dann diese Schriften nicht ihrer Tochter, sondern mir vermacht?"
Anstelle einer Antwort fragte mich meine Mutter, ob ich meine Schwiegermutter angerufen hätte, um mich nach meiner Tochter zu erkundigen.

Meillä suomenkielessä on sanonta "katinkontit". Cat's rucksack. It means "nonsense". Now I see in the Greek text the word "καθηκοντα", duties, and I wonder if it's related :-D Duties are a bit of a nonsense.
(Now, it seems to be a dialectal variation and not mean a birch bark bag at all, but paws, feet, but - it's nice to meet something similar :-D

So... I have been just copying the text (I mean, writing from the text, not "copy-and-paste"), and that has helped me a lot with reading, but not with understanding. I recognize forms and have a sense of "this is not spelled right", but I don't understand much of what I write, and that irritates me :-D

So I made a frequency check and decided to make flashcards of the most common words and derivates. Dang, that was not easy! Because my frequency calculator doesn't recognize Turkish letters, so it just discards them as if they weren't there! So I had to first transcribe the words using only English letters, and then transcribe them back to Turkish, because some words change meaning depending on if you write it with ı or i, ş or s, ğ or g, ç or c, and some words don't mean a thing if you use a wrong letter. :-D
And THEN I need to verify the words, because just because two words look different, they aren't necessarily related :-D

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Slowly, slowly...

Uh... my reading is still painfully slow. So slow I just want to give up trying to actually read the sentence and just guess. 
Now I know how the kids at school "who can't read good", or people with dyslexia, feel. :-( Not fun. Very stressful.
Right now I wish I was a teacher... I would put the kids on the first class, who can read, to read some other writing system :-D For example Korean. So that they understand, that everyone in the class understands, that no-one was born able to read. Everyone has to learn it to be able to do it, and some people take longer time than others.
Also, I would find out what everyone does well, and let them shine doing that, because not everyone will become good at things, how ever much they practice and train and do it.

And suddenly I was back at school... I remember the teachers making a big deal of this one kid who was a good actor. He was, he was amazing. I mean, he was 10 and actually acted! Not just mechanically repeated the words and moved from one spot to another like the rest of us.
And I remember being so jealous of him.
I was like... Not one of the teachers ever told me that I was good at something. My best friend, a year younger than I was, told me later that our teacher told them how good I was at things. He never told me. They just... seemed to expect of me that I was good. I was put to do things, like if something had to be drawn, I did it, if someone needed to participate in some sport event, like run in the cross country competition, I did it. In every subject, I was expected to deliver the answer. And I always did.
I mean... now I think that I must have been good, but... I still don't believe it.
I wasn't even a straight A student. In Finland we had a grading system from 4 to 10, 4 being unacceptable and 10 being perfect. I had a lot of 7s and 8s. 7 is mediocre, average. I just don't get it. I mean... I always had the right answers, everyone came to me to ask things, I was good at art and singing and sports and maths and languages and knew more than most people know in their lifetime already when I was 10, because I love to read and find things out, I love science and history and the world and everything! But I was never rewarded for it. And I don't understand why. And why didn't my parents do anything about it? I would. I would go to the school and ask why the teacher things my child is mediocre, when we both know very well they are not. They are exceptional, talented, intelligent, good kids, and they deserve better. So what does the teacher think my kids need to do more to get better grades? I still don't know what I would have needed to do differently.
And it's like... I will never be good enough. Even when I am exceptional, talented, intelligent and good, I will not be enough. For some inexplicable reason.

Well... er... sorry about that. Just that... I'm getting anxious over not reading well, even though there is no reason why I should read well, and no-one will know unless I tell them. And even if they know, they probably aren't there judging me, because most people will never even try learning to read Korean, and I at least manage, even when I don't read well. And this is Duolingo, where I can take the whole day to go through one lesson.

Hmm... Ich habe einen Sprachtest gemacht. Es ging nicht so gut. Aber Ich wusste es. Ich habe mein Deutsch seit Jahren nicht benutzt. Der einzige Weg ist nach oben. Es ist irgendwie komisch ... im Moment sieht es okay aus, aber ich bin mir sicher Ich werde es in Zukunft lesen und lache über mein schlechtes Deutsch.

Tietenkin pitää logata näidenkin kielten käyttö, vaikka onkin äidinkieleni ja se toinen kotimainen ja nykyinen kotikieleni. Eihän se että jokin kieli on äidinkieli, tarkoita sitä että se pysyy täydellisenä lopun ikää vaikkei sitä käyttäisikään. Eihän se pysy. Onhan tämä suomea, muttei kovin hyvää enää. Vielä 20 vuotta sitten oli ihan täydellistä, mutta kun ei sitä käytä, se katoaa. Mikä on surullista, mutta hyvää tässä on se, että minun tarvitsee vain lukea niin on taas ihan hyvä kieli :-D
Olen nyt menossa Suomeen kuukauden päästä, ja ajattelin käydä kirjastossa ja hankkia e-kortti, että voin käyttää kirjastojen e-kirjakokoelmaa ja lukea kirjoja suomeksi. Voinhan aina lukea niitä kirjoja mitä meillä kotona on, mutta olisi kivempaa lukea uusia kirjoja.
Toisaalta, ostin useampi vuosi sitten Jules Vernen kirjat sinä halpapainoksena, lyhennettynä ja vähän oudosti käännettynä, joka julkaistiin joskus 80-luvulla kun Verne oli muotia. (Oli ainakin Suomessa... olikohan missään muualla?)

Par contre, je devrais vraiment les lire en français. Après tout, ils sont tous en ligne, librement accessibles et je peux lire le français.

Jo, alltså jag använder svenska varje dag, så den är OK. Givetvis är den inte perfekt, för jag är inte svensk, svenska är inte mitt modersmål, och den har de där hemska prepositionerna och artiklar och andra sådana onödiga, obegripliga saker som är svåra för finnar. :-D

I really want to learn Hungarian properly for several reasons.
1) It is one of the few existing languages related to Finnish
2) It is harder than Finnish - more cases and phonemes! Yay!
3) In my genealogy (which is pure blue and white for at least 10 generations) there is one Hungarian woman, so "it's my family language" :-D There's also one Walloon.