
Monday, December 18, 2023

Long time no seen, huh?

 Well... here I am again. 

I am living proof of that when it comes to learning languages, your talents, aptitude, intelligence, ability to learn, interest, access to materials, all that isn't worth much. The thing that matters is tenacity. If you give it 15 minutes every day, come shine, come rain, you will learn much better than when I give it 24/7 for 3 weeks and then - nothing. Sure, I can learn 100 words in an hour, and still remember most of them 10 years later, with nothing done to upkeep them during the time, but what does that do? 

I wish I could keep up with just 15 minutes a day, or learn just 20 words a day, but every day. I would be using more languages than I have right now. Sure, I have sentences in a lot of languages, and I can read books in more than five languages, and I do consider myself a polyglot, but... hmmm...

"Polyglot: Considered to be the genius in languages who can communicate in several different languages, however, only less than 1% of Homo sapiens can converse in five different languages flawlessly."

Flawlessly? I don't think anyone can do that. 

Anyway... in a dream world, my goal for 2024 would be

- to become fluent in German and French

- improve my Scandinavians and Fennics (that would be Danish and Norwegian, and Sami, Estonian, and Hungarian)

- improve my Spanish and Italian (maybe also Portuguese. I think I need to finish my Ecclesiastes project.)

- learn Maltese and Polish well enough to be able to read the books (Sqaq L-Infern by Simon Bartolo and Loranne Vella, and Krew elfów by Andrzej Sapkowski)

- learn Russian well enough to be able to read those books

- Improve the languages I have started.

that would be

- Japanese

- Korean

- Chinese

- Dutch

- Arabic

- Turkish

- Sign language

There's also Cherokee and Navajo, the Celtic languages, and Basque on this list, but I think that might be a little too much with all those others... but I can save them as candy for the times I don't want to think about those others :-D

Also Swahili, Greek, Latin, and Hebrew.

- For some reason, I need to learn Igbo. I don't know why, I don't know where the need comes from, I just woke up one day knowing I needed to learn Igbo. Weird. 

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