
Friday, April 26, 2013

I love Maltese!

Now I have managed to read the first two chapters of the first book.
I have 402 flashcards with words and sentences. That's the words from the first chapter + about 100 extra.
I have learned the Maltese alphabet. I need to continue to the numbers.
And I'm listening to Radio 101. I'm catching a word every now and then. :-)

It is a fascinating language. It's such a mix of Semitic languages, Italian/Sicilian, English and even a bit of French... They have a lovely way of speaking English... very British, but distinctly not British :-D And I love how the pronounce the R's. :-)

kejk tal-ħawħ

Ingredjenti u Riċetti:

=> 6 bajd
zokkor => 1 u 1/2 kikkra
dqiq  => 1 u 1/2 kikkra
jogurt  => 100 dm
trab  => 1 pakkett
meraq tal-lumi  => 1 tablespoon
 => 20 ħawħ

il-preparazzjoni ta 'riċetti:

Musk-abjad tal-bajd sakemm iebes, imbagħad żid il-ħin, waqt li tħawwad wara kull partita, zokkor, isfra tal-bajd, halib, dqiq, baking powder off ma' meraq tal-lumi. Ferra t-taħlita ġo post, bix-xaħam bil-butir u dqiq għat-trab ma ħawħ ħielsa minn ġebel u jitkisser fil nofs u jagħti l-kejk fil-forn għal 30 minuta.

Now... what is "dm"? Milliliter sounds credible, that is 1 dl, or about 1/3 cup. And is it really yogurt? And how much is one package of powder? 20 peaches? Really? Well... six eggs is a lot...
But sounds interesting.

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