
Thursday, May 9, 2013

And a new day has began...

I haven't learned anything from my experiences :-D

A couple of years ago I was complaining about the difficulties of finding anything in Albanian on-line.
It's even harder to find anything in Maltese!

I get the feeling that Maltese people want to safeguard their language, so that no foreigners can mutilate it with their petty efforts to speak it.

I read this about dubbed movies... and I remembered the difficulties in getting my greedy hands on Il-Fiddien series. I had to go to Maltese bookshops on-line and... well... it wasn't as easy as I thought it should be. After all, Malta is part of EU. It should be in the interests of EU to see people could learn all Maltese they want to. (Well, there is a lot of official texts translated in every EU language, so that could be used to learn Maltese, but... It's boring. News, EU documents and the Bible. *sigh*)

Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Seħer ta’ qalbi
          My heart’s magic
Dawwalli l-jiem ta’ ħajti
          Enlighten the days of my life
Warrabni mid-dlamijiet
          Keep me away from darkness
Leħen fis-skiet
          A voice in the silence
Tama ta’ dejjem
          Forever hope
Għallimni nagħzel toroq il-ġejjien
          Teach me to choose the roads of my future

Għaddejt mis-sabiħ
          I went through bright days

Għaddejt miż-żmien ikraħ
          I went through bad time
Kull trejqa ppruvajt
          I tried every road
Ħsibt li fhimt id-destin
          I thought I understood destiny
Salpajt l-ilmijiet
          I sailed the waters
Infittex xortija
          Searching for my luck
Intlift fuq il-mewġ
          I got lost on the waves
          In the currents

Sakemm fuq xefaq skur
          Until in the dark horizon
Deħer id-dawl mixtieq
          I saw the longing light
Inemnem fil-bogħod
          Flickering afar
Bħal kewba f’nofs id-dlam
          Like a star amidst the dark

Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Agħtini dawlek dejjiem
          Give me forever light
Seħer ta’ qalbi
          My heart’s magic
Dawwalli l-jiem ta’ ħajti
          Enlighten the days of my life
Warrabni mid-dlamijiet
          Keep me away from the darkness
Leħen fis-skiet
          A voice in the silence
Urini triqti l’ quddiem
          Show me the way for my future
Tama ta’ dejjem
          Forever hope
Għallimni nagħzel toroq il-ġejjien
          Teach me choose the roads of my future

Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Seħer ta’ qalbi
          My heart’s magic
Dawwalli l-jiem ta’ ħajti
          Enlighten the days of my life
Warrabni mid-dlamijiet
          Keep me away from darkness
Leħen fis-skiet
          A voice in the silence
Tama ta’ dejjem
          Forever hope
Għallimni nagħzel toroq il-ġejjien
          Teach me to choose the roads of my future

Għaddejt minn ħolmiet
          I went through the dreams
Passat fantasiji
          A past of fantasies
Ħarist lejn l-uċuh
          I looked at faces
Rajt biss maskri mżejnin
          I saw decorated masks
Inċedi ma ridtx
          I didn’t want to give up
Fittixt, għarrixt u qallibt
          I searched, looked for and explored
Kont waħdi fil-folla
          Alone in the crowd
Ħadd ma kien ħabib
          No one was a friend
Sa ma tbissimli ż-żmien
          Until the time smiled back to me
U sibt l-oħla kenn
          And I found the best shelter
Ma nafx jeżistix
          I don’t know if there really exists
Bħall-wens li tajtni int
          A shelter like the one you gave me

Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Seħer ta’ qalbi
          My heart’s magic
Dawwalli l-jiem ta’ ħajti
          Enlighten the days of my life
Warrabni mid-dlamijiet
          Keep me away from darkness
Leħen fis-skiet
          A voice in the silence
Tama ta’ dejjem
          Forever hope
Għallimni nagħzel toroq il-ġejjien
          Teach me to choose the roads of my future

Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Seħer ta’ qalbi
          My heart’s magic
Dawwalli l-jiem ta’ ħajti
          Enlighten the days of my life
Warrabni mid-dlamijiet
          Keep me away from darkness
Leħen fis-skiet
          A voice in the silence
Tama ta’ dejjem
          Forever hope
Għallimni nagħzel toroq il-ġejjien
          Teach me to choose the roads of my future

Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Agħtini dawlek dejjiem
          Give me forever light
Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Urini triqti l’quddiem
          Show me the way for my future
Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame
Fjamma bla tmiem
          Endless flame

Translation from "worldbeat twelve"

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