
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Challenge 52 in 52: Maltese

Here's a very melancholic song that explains very well how negation is done in Maltese

Jien ma naħdimx imma ma nieqaf qatt - I don't work but I never stop

Jien Ma Naħdimx
xogħol mhux infittex u impjieg ma għandix

għax ħin ma nsibx
imma hemm min lili ma jifhimnix

ma nieqaf qatt, imma għal xogħli m'hemmx ħlas
x'nilbes hawn ġew lanqas biss nagħti kas

Ma-mejda l-aħħar li npoġġi nkun jien
Imma nitgħaxxaq narana flimkien

Ma ngerger qatt
Inlesti l-qadi minn qalbi kuljum

Ma nafx x'ħin bdejt
Wisq anqas naf kemm fadalli indum

Psikoloġija jien qatt ma studjajt
Biss metamdejjaq issibni warajk

ċertifikat ta'tabiba m'għandix
Biss meta timrad tarani ndur bik

Jien ma naħdimx, imma ma nieqaf qatt
Festi m'għandix lanqas is-Sibt u l-ħadd

M'ghandix karriera għax ħadt dan l-irwol
jien ma naħdimx, imma nagħmel elf xogħol

Jien ma naħdimx, imma kollox nagħtik
Jekk ma jien xejn jiena kollox għalik

Bejn dal-ħitan, ngħix għalik u għaż-żgħar
Jien ma naħdimx, għax jien mara tad-dar

Leave m'għandi qatt
Nibqa' għaddejja, marida u m'iniex

Jekk bla aptit
Qatt ma nistrajkja għax union m'għandix

Bonus m'għandix u ma nipprotestax
Qatt ma navvanza, biss ma jimpurtax

xogħli bla ebda kundizzjonijiet
u jekk għajjejt nibqa' għaddejja fis-skiet

Jien ma naħdimx, imma ma nieqaf qatt
Festi m'għandix lanqas is-Sibt u l-ħadd

M'ghandix karriera għax ħadt dan l-irwol
jien ma naħdimx, imma nagħmel elf xogħol

Jien ma naħdimx, imma kollox nagħtik
Jekk ma jien xejn jiena kollox għalik

Bejn dal-ħitan, ngħix għalik u għaż-żgħar
Jien ma naħdimx, għax jien mara tad-dar

Jien ma naħdimx,
imma nixtieq
li taprezzawni ahjar

ma jimpurtax
l-aqwa li naf
illi tinsabu kuntenti f'did-dar

Q "Jien Ma Naħdimx, composed by Mark Scicluna to the lyrics of Rita Pace is the song that you will be presenting in this years’ edition of L-Għanja tal-Poplu. Would you care to explain the meaning behind the lyrics and the genre that the song encompasses?"

A "The song is a simple ballad, yet its simplicity in music compliments the lyrics while allowing the audience to follow the theme of the song. The lyrics are directed towards society’s view with regards to the role of housewives. We seem to be under the impression that women who opt not to find a paying job have all the time in the world to do whatever they please. In reality, the work which has to be done with regards to taking care of the family and doing all that is necessary to make a house a home requires the same, if not more, effort than a ‘regular’ job. There is no payment for a housewife’s work; all that she would want is the gratitude shown by family members and the proper importance given to her by society.

Housecleaning is not a sacrifice by  Kristina Chetcuti

This is progressive liberal Malta: the winning song in the Ghanja tal-Poplu contest is an ode (sounds more like a dirge) to the martyred and heroic Maltese housewife

OK... ode to SAHMs...

I have said before in many different fora that a) housewives don't do thousand jobs for no pay. They are NOT secretaries, judges, teachers, psychologists, gardeners and what ever else the SAHMs claim. As stated in this song, they don't have the necessary qualifications and education.
WE ALL have to take care of our social relations, solve problems and quarrel, take care of our economy, home, food, clothes and everything else, AND also work to earn our own money.

One also forgets two very important things about this:
1) Only relatively wealthy people can afford staying at home. Poor mothers have to do all that AND work too.
2) SAHMs take care of THEIR OWN home, THEIR OWN children, THEIR OWN what ever and they do it THE WAY THEY CHOOSE TO. They are doing exactly what they want to do! So... acknowledgment? Praise? Admiration? Pay?

Also, as the world is full of childless mothers;women  who would have wanted children but never got any, or women who have lost their children, having children is THE Reward and Payment for the work it takes to be a good mother. Also, not all SAHMS ARE good at the job...

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