
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day Three of Polish

Today I stumbled over Yatir Nitzany, who says it's quite enough to know 350 words of a language to be able to manage, have rudimentary discussions, and have a good base to build the language further.
He has written several "books" about his method, with these 350 words in. His first book is Conversational Language Quick and Easy, where he explains the method and gives some of the words in several languages. (27, actually, of which 8 are different variations of Arabic.) He has written separate books with the full list of the words, and additional information.


These 350 words are about 100 verbs, "yes", "no", pronouns, prepositions, number from 1-10, some adjectives, some nouns (name, time, relations, house, book, car...) , some sentences. If you are interested, find the book :-)

Anyway, I think that would be an excellent addition to the "learn a language in 10 days". 

(Makes me think of The Loom of Language by Frederic Bodmer - you'll learn the particles first because 1) they make about 1/3 of the language 2) their meaning is fixed 3) one cannot deduce/guess their meaning 4) there's less than 200 of them in every language

So that's what I have been doing today :-D

And going through verbs.

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