
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Piąty dzień wyzwania Polski

I'm premenstrual, so I react on everything very emotionally. Learning that there is a word in Polish meaning "umpteen" - "someteen", "fewteen", that you actually can create words by taking a prefix and a suffix, made me cry :-D "So sweet!" :´)

(It's kilkanaście, BTW. "naście" means "teen" (short of "na dziesięcie") and kilka is "a number more than 2 and less than 10". And even that fact makes me cry :-D

Etymology of the Polish numbers

OK, so it's day 5, and I SHOULD be able to

- know the alphabet
- know the "useful phrases" on Omniglot
- know how to count to 1 million
- know the 3000 most frequently used words and their inflections (which makes it quite a lot more than 3000 words :-D As most frequency lists count "I, me, my, mine" as four different words and I count them as one.)
(BTW, this is pretty much crap. Or, well... the person who compiled it took some USonian movies and calculated the frequency from the subtitles, there's a lot of names on the list, some words that haven't even been translated (like Los Angeles - two words, San Francisco - two words - Las Vegas - two words...*sigh* And I wonder which movies he was watching. There were quite a lot of war and criminal/detective movies... I seriously doubt sergeant and sheriff are among the 3000 most common Polish words. But, what ever. Any words are fine.)

and I should be
- writing a diary entry every day, 10+ sentences
- posting the entry to some site and have it checked
- reading it out loud and have it checked on some site where that is done
- listening to radio
- learning a song every day and sing along
- watching at least 1 hour of television series or movie, without subtitles
- having discussions with imaginary people
- describing everything I do and see
- hopefully actually going out there and speaking with people.

 I found out that Poland has a radio channel with just audiobooks and radio theater... Wow...

I'm not. I have been writing my flashcards and studying through Duolingo, and writing the flashcards is taking too much time. So, basically, I'm still on day 0 :-D
I'm not worried. (yet :-D My language mood is still strongly on.)

 (It should be "dziewczyna" 
- the girl I like, her male friend/colleague, her ex, her father - me...)

mnie się to podoba - I like it / mnie się to nie podoba - I don't like it
czy ci się to podoba czy nie - whether you like it or not

mnie - I, dative (to me)
się - oneself
to - this
podoba - image, look, appearance, form

Huh? Where's the verb? "to me myself this appearance"?

It turns out that "podoba" IS the verb. "podobać się" - to enjoy, to like, "this pleases me".

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