
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Aaaaand... I'm back

Suitable after the May 2019 6 Weeks' Challenge has ended :-D
It doesn't really matter. I'm not a good language student, anyway :-D

So... what is it I'm up to? I haven't studied any language in any way since I was last here. (Almost exactly a year ago. Fancy that.)
Now I'm getting interested, again.

I have kind of given up, because I am obviously unable to keep up with any kind of routine. :-(
It's such a waste. I have the aptitude, I just lack any work ethics and intelligence to actually stuck to it. But - uh. What ever. I still love languages. :-)

What is the record for most languages spoken by one person?

"Cardinal Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti, born in 1774, spoke 38 languages and 40 dialects. The 10th-century Muslim polymath Al-Farabi was reputed to know 70 languages. The German Hans Conon von der Gabelentz, born in 1807, researched and published grammars of 80 languages. The record, though, probably belongs to Sir John Bowring, Governor of Hong Kong from 1854 to 1859, who was said to know 200 languages, and capable of speaking 100."

I like John Bowring :-D I probably wouldn't have liked him if I had known him, because he seems to have been your typical ox, egocentric, arrogant, bullying a-hole. But he also seems to have been quite an interesting character. I also love his way of learning languages. "Oh, I don't understand that, let's see that I will. Now, what can I find to learn this language..."

So, currently I'm interested in brushing up my "old" languages, like German. I learned German some 40 years ago (ok 35) and haven't used it much, but it's still there.

Also, after having seen the final episode of Game of Thrones, Dothraki doesn't seem as attractive any more... (Nah, who am I kidding here, it does, I just wish it didn't.)

And you don't need any more techniques or information. The secret to learning languages is to learn it by heart. Yeah. In spite of everything you have ever heard, it is all about memorizing facts like a parrot. It doesn't matter HOW you memorize things. Some mnemonic techniques work better for some people, and not at all for others. You can try to fool yourself by saying you are immersing yourself into the language and just somehow sucking it in, but it is just another way of memorizing words. In the end, the proof is in the pudding.

The only thing successful language learners have in common is tenacity. If you study a language tenaciously 15 minutes every day, you will learn it.

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