
Monday, June 24, 2019

Hän on täällä tänään! (kin)

So started today with resetting my Navajo and starting it from beginning, to catch the frases I need to hunt for the pronunciation. Duolingo was zeroed tonight as well and everyone is beginning from zero. :-D

And guess what... it's easier to find pronunciation for Navajo words and sentences than Maltese...
There's about 150,000 people who speak Navajo as their first language, and about half a million who speak Maltese. Navajo is an endangered language, Maltese is not. Maltese is the national language of Malta and one of the official EU languages.

So I trained the Hiragana again, just to strengthen the learning. Still strong :-D

So I noticed Duolingo has an Italian course... for Spanish speakers. So - let's do that. I'll get both languages at the same time, then :-D

Jeg bare elsker dette sprog

Et à ma surprise, je connais beaucoup plus de français que je le pensais. Ha.

I fell in love with the man. Now every word is like a cut. Walking on broken glass...
Also, I never much liked it. I don't know why I'm doing this to me. I suppose I still want to collect the whole series.
I'm mad.

Icelandic is an interesting language with its... hermitage? The Icelanders being very, very strict about not adopting any loan words. At the same time... it's a bit boring.

"Eyþór Ingi Gunnlaugsson will represent Iceland at Eurovision 2013 with the song “Ég á líf”. That means “I have life”."
I love that song :-)  Now, that's not my translation, I don't know who did it, but it's good enough.

Lagði ég af stað í það langa ferðalag
Ég áfram gekk í villu eirðarlaus
Hugsaði ekki um neitt, ekki fram á næsta dag
Einveru og friðsemdina kaus

Ég á líf, ég á líf yfir erfiðleika svíf
Ég á líf, ég á líf vegna þín
Þegar móti mér blæs, yfir fjöllin há ég klíf
Ég á líf, ég á líf, ég á líf

I set out upon that long journey
I walked on lost and restless
Didn’t think about anything until the following day.
I chose peace and tranquility.

I am alive, I am alive
I glide above every hardship
I'm alive, I'm alive because of you
When the winds turn against me, 
I will climb over high mountains,
I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive

Ég skildi ekki ástina sem öllu hreyfir við
Þorði ekki að faðma og vera til
Fannst sem ætti ekki skilið að opna huga minn
Og hleypa bjartri ástinni þar inn

Ég á líf, ég á líf yfir erfiðleika svíf
Ég á líf, ég á líf vegna þín
Þegar móti mér blæs, yfir fjöllin há ég klíf
Ég á líf, ég á líf vegna þín

I didn’t understand about love, which can move everything
Didn’t dare to embrace and to simply exist
I felt like I didn’t deserve to open up my mind
And let the bright love enter within

I am alive, I am alive
I glide above every hardship
I'm alive, I'm alive because of you
When the winds turn against me,
 I will climb over high mountains,
I'm alive, I'm alive because of you

Og ég trúi því, já, ég trúi því
Kannski opnast fagrar gáttir himins
Yfir flæðir fegursta ástin
Hún umvefur mig alein

Ég á líf…
yfir erfiðleika svíf
Ég á líf, ég á líf vegna þín
Þegar móti mér blæs, yfir fjöllin há ég klíf
Ég á líf, ég á líf vegna þín

Ég á líf, ég á líf, ég á líf

And I believe it, Yes I do believe it
Perhaps the wondrous gates of heaven will open
Beautiful love will flood out
to embrace me alone

I’m alive... 
I glide over every difficulty
I am alive, I am alive because of you
When the winds turn against me
I climb over the high mountains
I am alive, I am alive because of you

I am alive, I am alive, I am alive 

Nu - jag säger det här på svenska, för att bevisa att den har jag redan :-D Dessutom kan jag inte färöiska nog för att säga det på det språket. Eg kann ikke føroyskt mál nog. :-D
Jag snackar någon sorts skandinaviska, och tar olika ord från olika språk och blandar hejvilt sådär. Det blir bra så :-D
De flesta skandinaver förstår svenska. Svenskar förstår nästan ingen annan skandinav, och har svårigheter ibland även med de inhemska dialekterna.

Dan een beetje Nederlands...

and Chinese...

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