
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

If I was to...

So - Language Reading Challenge 2019

So... I get up early in the morning and do my morning workout. I will be taking a walk with my flashcards and shadowing and having discusions with my imaginary friends.
Then I start devouring languages. :-)

I'll do my duolingo - just a little work with every language
It will take about an hour.
Yes, it's really little.

Then I will be writing, listening, reading and speaking my languages

I will be reading a text. The length depends on how advanced I am on the language, but it will never be longer than 1 page.
Then I will copy it.
Then I will study the vocabulary and grammar, parse the sentences, see if there is any new things.
Then I will listen to an audio while I read the text.
Then I will be copying the audio and recording myself.
Then I will compare my pronunciation to the original and correct myself.

I will take a pause and do the same thing with the next language.

I will be writing, listening, reading and speaking every language I know, even Finnish, Swedish and English, but the higher the level, the more advanced the exercises.
I will be reading books and whole chapters with the languages I can do that in. I won't be copying the text, nor studying vocabulary or grammar, because that will come automatically at this level, just by reading.
I will be composing free texts, writing stories or so.
I will be reading out loud and recording and comparing my pronunciation with an audiobook, to see if there is something to be corrected.

I will be doing grammatical exercises, reading through course books, and reading discussions online, about the language.
I will be doing translations and interpretations, just to keep those skills up.

Sandık vişneçürüğü rengindeydi. Sağında ve solunda tutup kaldırmak için birer kulpu vardı. Altı hâlâ sağlamdı. Kordonları çözmemle mumdan yapılmış bir mührün parçalanıp dağılması bir oldu. "Bunu daha önce hiç açmadın mı, anne?" "Kendi elleriyle kapattı onu." "Yani içinde ne olduğunu bilmiyor musun?" "Hayır." "Bravo be anne sana! Senin yerinde olsaydım cenazeden hemen sonra açmıştım sandığı, içinde bir sultanın zümrütlerini bulmak ne kadar zevkli olur. Bu izmirli teyzem zengin değil miydi?" "Çok zengindi."

El baúl resultó ser de color granate. Las dos manillas a uno y otro ladohacían que fuera más fácil de agarrar. El fondo era resistente. Desaté lascintas. Mientras lo estaba haciendo, se rompió a trozos un sello de cera.—¿No lo has abierto nunca?—Lo cerró ella misma.—¿O sea que no sabes qué hay dentro?—No.—¡Muy bien, mamá! Yo lo habría abierto después de su entierro...¡Imagínate que encontramos las esmeraldas del sultán!... ¿No era rica latía, en Esmirna, mamá?—Muy rica.

Το μπαουλακι ηταν τελικα κοκκινο γκρενα. Δυο λαβεσ δεξια κι αριστερα βοηθουσαν να το σηκωσεισ. Ο πατοσ κρατουσε γερα. Ελυσα τα κορδονακια. Με το λυσιμο τσακιστηκε σε κομματακια και μια βουλα απο κερι.
"Δεν το 'χεισ ανοίξει ποτε"
"Μονη τησ το 'κλεισε"
"Δηλαδη δεν ξερεισ τι εχει μεσα;"
"Μωρε μπραβο, μαμα! Εγω θα το 'χα ανοιξει μετα την κηδεια τησ... 'Εχει γουστο να βρουμε εδω μεσα τα σμαραγδια του σουλτανου! Πλουσια δεν ηταν αυτη στη Σμυρνη, μαμα"
"Πολυ πλουσια"

Die kleine Truhe was granatfarben, hatte zwei Griffe und einen soliden Boden. Sie war sorgfältig verschnürt. Als ich die Knoten löste, ging ein Wachssiegel zu Bruch.
"Hat du sie niemals aufgemacht?"
"Du weisst also nicht, was drin ist?"
"Nein. Sie hat sie ganz allein gepackt."
"Bravo, Mama! Ich hätte sie sofot nach ihrem Begröbis geöffnet... Vielleicht sind hier ja die Smaragde des Sultans drin!... War sie nicht reich und aus Smyrna, Mama?"
"Sehr reich."

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