
Monday, July 1, 2019

Busy day...

Yesterday was a busy day. Busy day with un-language related things, that is. So not that much language was studied. Some, though.

A couple of days ago I finally got to my mailbox and saw that they have released Arabic as Beta on Duolingo. Yay!
  I like it. I think they have got right the teaching letters. They might actually stick this time :-D

I was thinking about my "learn a language in 10 days" thingy, and thought of learning Vulcan. We have a summer party with SciFi theme and I plan going as a Vulcan and it would be cool to just speak Vulcan all the time :-D

Then I studied a bit of Hungarian. Duolingo isn't good for that. I need to find another way of learning Hungarian.

Then I took a couple of steps with Danish. I'm irritated by Duolingo accepting wrong spelling. I spell in Swedish. The Danish is not spelled Swedish. :-( Duolingo is teaching me wrong.

And then some Turkish. I like Turkish. It's interesting.

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