Learning With Texts has lost all my data. :-(
I have lost my Maltese workbook and notes.
I have lost my links.
I need to start it all over again. From scratch. *sigh*
I don't want to. I want the 6 weeks' heavy studying to show, but I don't remember much. After all, it was a year ago. Or even longer back in time.
But -
Jien għandi qattus ħelu
u ngħidlu, "Ejja s'hawn."
U jiġi jiġri ħdejja
u jgħidli, "Mjaw, mjaw, mjaw."
Nixtrilu ftit lampuki
u ngħidlu, "Kulhom dawn."
U jibda jibla' l-ikel
u jgħidli, "Mjaw, mjaw, mjaw."
Nimlielu l-banju bl-ilma
u ngħidlu, "Inħasel hawn."
U jitlaq jiġri 'l barra
u jgħidli, "Ċaw, ċaw, ċaw."
I have a cute kitty
And I say "(what? I don't know. Let's... er... here...??? Come here? I'm here?)"
and - to, is, being - happens - next to me - er... what?
and says "meow, meow, meow"
I call it and it's next to me?
Next verse.
I get some lampuki-fish
and I say "(something. here's some fish for you?)"
And it starts swallowing food
and says "meow, meow, meow"
I fill up a bath with water
and say "wash here"
and er... it happens it leaves out
and says "ciao, ciao, ciao"
Learning With Texts has lost all my data. :-(
I have lost my Maltese workbook and notes.
I have lost my links.
I need to start it all over again. From scratch. *sigh*
I don't want to. I want the 6 weeks' heavy studying to show, but I don't remember much. After all, it was a year ago. Or even longer back in time.
But -
Jien għandi qattus ħelu
u ngħidlu, "Ejja s'hawn."
U jiġi jiġri ħdejja
u jgħidli, "Mjaw, mjaw, mjaw."
Nixtrilu ftit lampuki
u ngħidlu, "Kulhom dawn."
U jibda jibla' l-ikel
u jgħidli, "Mjaw, mjaw, mjaw."
Nimlielu l-banju bl-ilma
u ngħidlu, "Inħasel hawn."
U jitlaq jiġri 'l barra
u jgħidli, "Ċaw, ċaw, ċaw."
I have a cute kitty
And I say "(what? I don't know. Let's... er... here...??? Come here? I'm here?)"
and - to, is, being - happens - next to me - er... what?
and says "meow, meow, meow"
I call it and it's next to me?
Next verse.
I get some lampuki-fish
and I say "(something. here's some fish for you?)"
And it starts swallowing food
and says "meow, meow, meow"
I fill up a bath with water
and say "wash here"
and er... it happens it leaves out
and says "ciao, ciao, ciao"