I think this is good information, but Fluentli seems to have disappeared from the internet :-(
Language learning is a journey.
And at different points in that journey, you will have different requirements.
The aim of this guide is to be a living resource that you can refer to at any point in your language learning journey.
From how to get started all the way to what it takes to learn multiple languages, all of the links below have been carefully organized so you can quickly find the help or information you need now.
10 Superb Psychological Advantages of Learning Another Language | PSYBlog
Why It Makes More Sense Than You Know to Learn a Second Language | Huffington Post
5 Reasons Why you Should Learn a New Language | Omniglot
Why Foreign Language Learning Is Still Important | Go Overseas
Why learn a foreign language? Benefits of bilingualism | The Telegraph
Avoid common mistakes, and detrimental thoughts:
4 Things to Stop Believing if You Actually Want to Learn a Language | Fluentli Blog
10 Most Common Mistakes | Lingoholic
Five most common mistakes | The Telegraph
Understanding Motivation
Take Advantage of "Motivation Wave" To Build Better Habits | Lifehacker
Redefining your motivation | Fluent in 3 Months
How to Successfully Learn a New Language This Year | Lifehacker
Choosing the right language:
What language should I learn? | Fluent in 3 Months
4 easy foreign languages you never thought of learning (and why you should) | Matador Network
How many words do I need to know? The 95/5 rule in language learning | Lingoholic
Other tips:
22 Tips For Learning A Foreign Language | Mark Manson
The Biggest Language-Learning Lesson I’ve Learned | The Smart Language Learner
How Habits Work | Charles Duhigg
18 Tricks to Make New Habits Stick | Lifehack
Sticking to a Habit: The Definitive Guide | Zen Habits
How to Build Good Habits | Sparring Mind
Systems | Scott Adams Blog
Introduction to Memory Techniques | Mind Tools
Top Ten Memory Hacks | Lifehacker
Total Recall | The Guardian
TED Weekends wonders: What’s the key to memory? | TED Blog
How to Learn But Not Master Any Language in 1 Hour | Four Hour Work Week
The Timothy Ferriss 1-Hour Method: Learn a Language Fast | Brazigzag
How I Learned a Language in 90 Days | Lifehacker
Guide To Autodidactic Foreign Language Study | Foreign Language Exerptise
Beyond Immersion: Learn a New Language with Better Listening Skills | Lifehacker
Revealing How the Brain Recognizes Speech Sounds | Science Daily
Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension | Omniglot
How to Tune Your Foreign Language Vowel Pronunciation | Mimic Method Blog
Learn Pronunciation and Flow with “Flow-verlapping” | Mimic Method Blog
How to Memorise Vocabulary | The Telegraph
How to Remember Words | Lingoholic
Why It’s Impossible to Learn Words and Phrases Out of Context | L2 Mastery
Choosing Your Vocabulary | Fluent Forever
38 Language-Learning Experts Reveal Their Favorite Method for Learning Vocabulary | The Smart Language Learner
How to Have a Successful Language Exchange | To Be Fluent
Making Language Exchanges Work for You | I Will Teach You a Language
Language Exchange Tips | Polyglot Club
5 Tips for a More Productive Language Exchange | Matador Network
Plateau Busting: How to Take Your Life to the Next Level | The Art of Manliness
5 Reasons You’re Not Improving as Fast as You Want | L2 Mastery
3 Ways to Think About Winning | Josh Kaufman (Review your goals, and declare victory on what you have accomplished so far)
Tenacity is Not the Same as Persistence | Seth Godin (If the same thing isn’t working, time to try something else given the new data and experiences you have)
17 Killer Strategies for Never Giving Up | Impossible (The long plateaus where you seem not to be making progress are perfect places to quit, but don’t do it)
Is Wanting to be a Polyglot a Misdirected Dream? | David Mansaray
How to Become a Polyglot | Fluent in 3 Months
The Secret of Language Superlearners | Time
Adventures with an Extreme Polyglot | The Daily Beast (Goes with the video below)
How and Why Polyglots Don’t Confuse Languages | The Polyglot Dream
How to Learn Multiple Languages Without Getting Confused | AJATT
Language Switching | Speaking Fluently
Ask the Readers: Language Specialist or Jack-of-all-Languages? | Mezzoguild
So, reposting.
Language learning is a journey.
And at different points in that journey, you will have different requirements.
The aim of this guide is to be a living resource that you can refer to at any point in your language learning journey.
From how to get started all the way to what it takes to learn multiple languages, all of the links below have been carefully organized so you can quickly find the help or information you need now.
Introduction: Find Your Reason for Learning a Language
Learning a foreign language is tricky. You start out with so much motivation in the beginning, but as soon as that fades you put your studies on the back burner. It’s best to have a solid, practical reason in mind for why you are learning a language. Whether you’re a new learner or have been studying for a while, take some time to choose why you’re doing this — and put it on your wall.10 Superb Psychological Advantages of Learning Another Language | PSYBlog
Why It Makes More Sense Than You Know to Learn a Second Language | Huffington Post
5 Reasons Why you Should Learn a New Language | Omniglot
Why Foreign Language Learning Is Still Important | Go Overseas
Why learn a foreign language? Benefits of bilingualism | The Telegraph
Chapter 1: Get Started on the Right Foot
For many beginners, they simply just don’t know where to start. Especially if you’re set on self-study, take some time to listen to the advice of those who have gone before you.Avoid common mistakes, and detrimental thoughts:
4 Things to Stop Believing if You Actually Want to Learn a Language | Fluentli Blog
10 Most Common Mistakes | Lingoholic
Five most common mistakes | The Telegraph
Understanding Motivation
Take Advantage of "Motivation Wave" To Build Better Habits | Lifehacker
Redefining your motivation | Fluent in 3 Months
How to Successfully Learn a New Language This Year | Lifehacker
Choosing the right language:
What language should I learn? | Fluent in 3 Months
4 easy foreign languages you never thought of learning (and why you should) | Matador Network
How many words do I need to know? The 95/5 rule in language learning | Lingoholic
Other tips:
22 Tips For Learning A Foreign Language | Mark Manson
The Biggest Language-Learning Lesson I’ve Learned | The Smart Language Learner
Chapter 2: First, Learn How to Change Your Behavior
People usually don’t think about this, but learning a language is a complete lifestyle change. And just like choosing to exercise more and lose weight, if you’re not knowledgeable in the basics of your own behavioral psychology, you’re going to struggle with consistency. The below links will give you a great start.How Habits Work | Charles Duhigg
18 Tricks to Make New Habits Stick | Lifehack
Sticking to a Habit: The Definitive Guide | Zen Habits
How to Build Good Habits | Sparring Mind
Systems | Scott Adams Blog
Chapter 3: Learn About and Improve Your Memory
Memory is a huge part of language learning. People who think they’re bad at learning a language probably also believe they have a bad memory. While they might not have the best memory, it may just be that they’ve never worked on certain techniques to help them remember things better.Introduction to Memory Techniques | Mind Tools
Top Ten Memory Hacks | Lifehacker
Total Recall | The Guardian
TED Weekends wonders: What’s the key to memory? | TED Blog
Chapter 4: The Learning Process
One of the reasons why beginners often have no idea where to start with learning a language is because everyone who has done it before as discovered the “right” method to do it. Well, that leaves us with a lot of options, and humans are really terrible decision makers. This section will hopefully give you an overview of the best of the best, and will encourage you to try things until you find the secret combo for you.4.1: Plan Your Course of Action
I Learned to Speak Four Languages in a Few Years: Here’s How | LifehackerHow to Learn But Not Master Any Language in 1 Hour | Four Hour Work Week
The Timothy Ferriss 1-Hour Method: Learn a Language Fast | Brazigzag
How I Learned a Language in 90 Days | Lifehacker
Guide To Autodidactic Foreign Language Study | Foreign Language Exerptise
Beyond Immersion: Learn a New Language with Better Listening Skills | Lifehacker
4.2: Master Pronunciation
The Key to Learning Pronunciation | Fluent ForeverRevealing How the Brain Recognizes Speech Sounds | Science Daily
Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension | Omniglot
How to Tune Your Foreign Language Vowel Pronunciation | Mimic Method Blog
Learn Pronunciation and Flow with “Flow-verlapping” | Mimic Method Blog
4.3: How to Best Learn Vocabulary
Imagination: Your Key to Memorizing Hundreds of Words Quickly | Fluent in 3 MonthsHow to Memorise Vocabulary | The Telegraph
How to Remember Words | Lingoholic
Why It’s Impossible to Learn Words and Phrases Out of Context | L2 Mastery
Choosing Your Vocabulary | Fluent Forever
38 Language-Learning Experts Reveal Their Favorite Method for Learning Vocabulary | The Smart Language Learner
4.4: Tips for Successful Language Exchanges
How to Start a Language Exchange on the Right Foot | LinguatrekHow to Have a Successful Language Exchange | To Be Fluent
Making Language Exchanges Work for You | I Will Teach You a Language
Language Exchange Tips | Polyglot Club
5 Tips for a More Productive Language Exchange | Matador Network
Chapter 5: How to Push Through a Plateau
When learning any new skill, you reach a point where you make progress much slower than you did. The periods of plateau can feel like you’re stranded in a desert wasteland at times, but those that push through them will discover yet another green pasture of progress on the other side.Plateau Busting: How to Take Your Life to the Next Level | The Art of Manliness
5 Reasons You’re Not Improving as Fast as You Want | L2 Mastery
3 Ways to Think About Winning | Josh Kaufman (Review your goals, and declare victory on what you have accomplished so far)
Tenacity is Not the Same as Persistence | Seth Godin (If the same thing isn’t working, time to try something else given the new data and experiences you have)
17 Killer Strategies for Never Giving Up | Impossible (The long plateaus where you seem not to be making progress are perfect places to quit, but don’t do it)
Chapter 6: Do You Want to Go the Way of the Polyglot?
Who doesn’t want to be a bad-ass, CIA-like, mother… polyglot? Well, read below and find out for yourself if it’s the direction you’d like to turn your language learning efforts.Is Wanting to be a Polyglot a Misdirected Dream? | David Mansaray
How to Become a Polyglot | Fluent in 3 Months
The Secret of Language Superlearners | Time
Adventures with an Extreme Polyglot | The Daily Beast (Goes with the video below)
How and Why Polyglots Don’t Confuse Languages | The Polyglot Dream
How to Learn Multiple Languages Without Getting Confused | AJATT
Language Switching | Speaking Fluently
Ask the Readers: Language Specialist or Jack-of-all-Languages? | Mezzoguild